Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Finished one more product for the up-and-coming shop! Cornish Doofah doll a traditional house Guardian. Super adorable!

Watch "Arcadia occult curio shop the home of the old religion." on YouTube

Watch "Autumn Storm Hp update!" on YouTube

Watch "Autumn Storm Hp debunking the Pagan narrative. #wiccaiscancer" on YouTube
Watch "Debunking The Narrative Dr. Margaret Alice Murray. #wiccaiscancer" on YouTube
Watch "Crystal balls and Crystal gazing with the Witch. #wiccaiscancer #crystal #Witchcraft" on YouTube

Watch "Candle making!" on YouTube
Watch "Candle dripping with the Witch!" on YouTube

Watch "Witch on hiatus!" on YouTube

Watch "The crystal sweatshop." on YouTube

Watch "The crystal wheel meditation of Syracuse New York." on YouTube